Meliá Castelo Branco

Meliá Castelo Branco


What is the check-in schedule?

Check-in is normally at 15h. For an early check-in, gests must contact the hotel for availability. Additional fees may be applied.

What is the check-out schedule?

The check-out is made until 12h. For late check-out, guests should contact the hotel to consult availability. Additional costs might be added. In case it is part of a campaign, late check-out conditions are not ruled by this procedure.

Late check-in. Is it possible to do check-in until what time?

Late check-in is on demand and upon availability.

Is the reception open 24h?

Yes, the reception is opened 24h.

What documents are required for check-in?

Valid identification document for all guests (passport or citizen card) and credit card.

If I am allergic to an ingredient, when and where do I inform?

You must inform the hotel together with your booking or the reception at the time of your check-in.